Photography Books and Courses

Below some ebooks and online courses I find highly useful for not only the beginner but also for the seasoned photographer.

Evan Sharboneau\’s e-book contains practical tips on how to create awesome looking pics with ingenious ideas and simple tricks. If you want to create jaw-dropping pictures this is the book to have.

  • Evan Sharboneau –

The second e-book and online course Evan prepared is a well streamlined process of 29 videos and 4 detailed e-books all around 4 main subjects:

  1. Mastering Your Digital SLR Camera
  2. Photography Equipment
  3. Composition and Shot Planning
  4. Post-Production and Software

It also contains a guide on the DSLR equipment. All sorts of side-equipment is being discussed. From lenses, to filters and lighting to effects.

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A third one which is more targeted to post-processing images is the tutorials set \”Learn Photo Editing\”. It is astounding what you can achieve with photo-editing tools like PS. Although the most common image manipulation tricks can be handled by tools like Adobe Lightroom or Darktable the sheer power of Adobe PS is very well explained in this course and book series.

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